Friday, 14 June 2019

Improvements in prone shooting

Yesterday evening I was doing more prone training. We had made some adjustments to try and solve the cant problems and stop the rifle dropping in my shoulder as I shoot. Whilst up to now my prone scores have been good, we have always needed to watch out for these things as they can lead to my shot group moving across the target and out of the 10 ring. In prone as things are so precise, any error could make all the difference.

So did the changes to the rifle make a difference? I think they might have.

Photo showing target when shooting prone

A score over 614 is a new personal best for me, so I am pleased with it. There were some really good groups in that, somewhere in the middle I had a string of 23 shots in the 10 ring. By the end I was tiring a bit and I made a few mistakes and it is possible to see this in the shots. Overall I am quite pleased with it, even if there are a few things to work on for further improvements.

Experience of creating shooting videos

You may be aware that over the last few weeks I have been creating some videos for IBSA on vision impaired shooting. It has been quite an ex...